
Best 10 Ways to Monetize a Blog 2024 – Make Money Online

In the vast and ever-evolving landscape of the internet, monetizing a blog has become a key aspiration for many content creators. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting, the allure of turning your passion into a sustainable income stream is undeniable. In this article, we’ll delve into the best 10 ways to monetize a blog in 2024, exploring proven strategies that align with the current trends and demands of the online world.


The digital era has opened up unprecedented opportunities for individuals to share their thoughts, expertise, and creativity with a global audience. Monetizing a blog is not just about making money; it’s about turning your unique voice and perspective into a valuable asset. As we venture into the strategies that will dominate blog monetization in 2024, let’s first understand the fundamental principles that lay the groundwork for success.

Earn money from blogging through Google AdSense

In this post, I mentioned that AdSense Platform is the most common way to make money online from blogging. Because it is the platform of Google, the largest online advertising company and the most trusted company on the Internet.

You need a Google AdSense account to do this. On the basis of Google’s review of your blog, AdSense approves you.

As soon as Google’s Different-Different Ads are approved, you can apply them to your blog. Google gives you money in return. While money is not available for placing ads, it is available for clicking on ads.

You receive money from Google in the ratio of 60 to 40. Therefore, Google keeps 40% of the money it takes from the Advertiser Company and 60% from the Advertiser Company.

High-quality content is the foundation of any successful blog. It is crucial for bloggers to select niches in which their expertise and passion intersect. Crafting content that is both engaging and informative forms the cornerstone of a blog’s success.

Using affiliate marketing to make money from blogging?

Affiliate Marketing is the second most popular online earning method after Google AdSense.

In return for helping a company sell its product, you receive a commission. In the language of the internet, it is called Affiliate Marketing.

You get a unique affiliate link to sell a company’s products. Your blog posts must link to them. When a visitor clicks on that link and buys the product, your commission is generated.

As an example, suppose you provide a link to Amazon Affiliate on your blog, and the user clicks on that link and purchases the product from Amazon, you will receive some commissions from Amazon.

No matter what blogging niche you’re in, you should join Affiliate Programs that relate to it. Affiliate Marketing can only be successful if you have good traffic.

In addition to reading articles on your blog, you should also remember that a key to making income from Affiliate Platforms is to convince users to buy your products. Just joining Affiliate Programs and posting Affiliate Links on the blog won’t make any difference.

How to Earn Money Selling E-Books

E-book sales are another way to earn money from a blog. A lot of popular bloggers make money through this medium as well.

Prepare an E-Book related to your blogging niche that is valuable for your blog visitors.

E-books can be created, for example. When you sell 10 E-Books from your blog in a month for $ 20 each, you will be able to withdraw $ 200 of the month’s income. A popular blog with a lot of visitors will allow you to make good earnings from such E-Books on your blog.

It is also vital that the E-Book contains such information that the reader learns something new after reading it. There is no reason for him to feel that his money was wasted.

Services that you sell yourself

By selling your services through your blog, you can also earn money from blogging. Besides being a Blogger, if you are a Graphic Designer, Web Developer, or Web Designer, you can put this skill to good use in blogging.

You can design the logo’s website. SEO Optimization, Speed Optimization, etc., can be done for the clients’ sites. It is possible for you to help new bloggers. It is possible to get such orders directly from your blog. As a reward, you can charge them.

The user or client is going to need special time because you have to talk to them and understand their site’s needs. For this reason, you also need extra time.

Also Check :- Image submission sites

Using sponsored content to monetize your blog

Whenever you receive payment for writing posts or advertising about a company’s product, services, or brand, the offer is called Sponsorship and the content is called Sponsored Content.

By posting Sponsored Content on your blog, you can make money from blogging when it becomes popular. By promoting Sponsored Content on your blog, you can earn a lot of money.

Sponsorship is a common method of product promotion for big brands. A popular blog attracts many such offers, which pay you money to promote their products or services on your blog.

If you charge $100 per month for Sponsored Posts or Ads, and you receive five to six such offers in a month, then you can earn $500 to $600 from sponsorships.

Online courses are a great way for bloggers to earn money.

In this post, I mentioned that you can earn money from your blog through E-Book sales as well, but if you can’t create your own E-Book, you can share other online courses available on the market. However, selling can also generate income.

Your blog can be used to promote many Online Courses and E-Books available on Amazon.in Store and Udemy. You will receive a commission from these platforms. Although you have to join their Affiliate Network first to participate in this type of affiliate marketing.

Become a freelancer and earn money

You can also earn money from blogging by freelancing. It is not necessary to have your own blog for this. As a freelancer, you can write for other blogs. In addition to blogging for themselves, many bloggers blog for others as well.

Blogs and websites that generate a lot of traffic do not write their own content; they pay others to do so. It is okay to speak with them according to the content or even according to the month (salary). Market prices range from 25 paise per word to 1 rupee per word.

You will only be paid 500 rupees for writing any high-quality content of 1000 words if you get .50 per word. In addition to writing blog posts, you can also earn money by helping other bloggers with their SEO, Ads Placement, and Design needs.

Sell ​​AD Space

In addition to blogging, you can also earn money by selling advertising space on your blog to advertisers. It’s not for you! Let’s talk about it.

If you feel it is appropriate, you can rent it to another company for the Sidebar, Header, or Footer of your blog. Use banners to promote in that place.

If a company pays you $ 300 every month to display your ad in that space for a year, imagine yourself receiving $ 300 every month for the entire year. Nothing else needs to be done.

However, you can also use this method if your blog receives a lot of traffic. There will be no deal if there is no traffic.

Become a guest blogger and earn money from your blog

The same method is also used by some big bloggers to earn money from blogs. Your blog must have a Guest Post Page and you need to include all the terms and conditions you wish to share with your users, such as:

  • Are you looking for guest posts related to a particular blog niche?

  • How will guest posting benefit that user?

  • Accepting guest posts.

  • Will you charge for guest posts in accordance with your policies?

For this as well, your blog must be quite popular online. The problem with this method is that there are many free guest posting blogs on the internet.

Other platforms are being used for advertising

This post explained the first way to make money from blogging through Google AdSense Ads, the most popular method, but you don’t have to worry if you don’t get approved by Google AdSense. It is also possible to monetize your blog by applying for other advertising companies, such as AdSense

1. www.media.net
2. PropellerAds
3. Adversal
4. Infolinks

Like Google AdSense, you can monetize your blog with ads after registering with any of these advertising companies.


Friends, it is not necessary to use only Google AdSense to make income from your blog. Apart from this, you can also use the above-mentioned methods. By the way, if all these media are able to earn the most money and that too in a short period of time, then it is Affiliate Marketing.

In addition to Affiliate Marketing, you can also use AdSense on your blog simultaneously. My blog has been monetized using both of these methods. It is important to remember that earning money will not only come from monetizing your blog. If you want to become a successful blogger, then you will have to work hard every single day.

Blogging must be your passion. As long as you keep adding decent high-quality content to your blog, you won’t need to worry about money in the beginning. The only way you can attract readers to your blog is to write well. You will also earn more as you attract more visitors.

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